Your experience of vertical integration by shipping lines

Closed 29 Sep 2023

Opened 8 Sep 2023


The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) wants to hear about your experience using shipping lines, including using shipping lines who also provide:

  • Freight forwarding
  • Road transport
  • Rail transport

Information from firms like yours is one of the ACCC’s most valuable tools. Your expertise will help the ACCC understand shipping and freight markets, including any impact on your business from vertical integration. The survey should take 10–15 minutes to complete.

The ACCC is an independent Commonwealth statutory authority. Our role is to enforce the Competition and Consumer Act 2010, promoting competition, fair trading and regulating national infrastructure for the benefit of all Australians.

Information provided will be treated as confidential information under the ACCC's Information Policy which is available on the ACCC's website and through the link below. 


  • All business


  • Competition issues