Merger assessment guidelines

Closes 17 Apr 2025

Opened 20 Mar 2025


The ACCC is seeking views on draft merger assessment guidelines for the new mandatory merger control regime which commences on 1 January 2026. Businesses may voluntarily notify an acquisition to the ACCC from 1 July 2025.

The merger assessment guidelines outline the analytical framework the ACCC will apply when assessing notified acquisitions under the new regime. It reflects changes resulting from the new regime as well as updates to align with current best practice for competition assessments.

The guidelines are intended to help the community, including merger parties and their advisers, to understand how the ACCC will assess acquisitions under the new regime and provide greater predictability and transparency regarding its decision making.

Following consultation, the ACCC will update the merger assessment guidelines prior to the commencement of voluntary notifications on 1 July 2025.

We invite interested parties to provide feedback on the draft guidelines by making a written submission by 17 April 2025.

You can download the draft guidelines and upload a submission using the links provided below.

You can also submit your feedback to the review team directly at

The ACCC will consider the submissions received and, informed by the issues raised in submissions, anticipates arranging meetings with a range of stakeholders.

Why your views matter

This is your opportunity to provide important feedback on the draft merger assessment guidelines, which we will take into account in subsequent drafts of the guidelines.


How your submission will be used

The general policy of the ACCC on the collection, use and disclosure of information is set out in the ACCC/AER Information Policy (June 2014).

Submissions will not be published on the ACCC website but stakeholders should be aware that submissions may be shared with Treasury. We also may refer to the issues raised in your submission in public but in a way that does not identify you or your organisation. We will not otherwise disclose submissions unless authorised or required by law.

The ACCC will handle personal information collected in this consultation in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles and our Privacy Policy. Information about how to access and/or correct your personal information, and how to lodge a complaint in relation to the handling of your personal information, is set out in our Privacy Policy on our website.

Give us your views


  • All consumers


  • Mergers