2024-29 Electricity Resets - AER Issues Paper and Public Forum survey

Closed 14 Jun 2023

Opened 8 May 2023


As part of the 2024–29 distribution and transmission electricity resets, the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) is interested in seeking stakeholder feedback on the recent Issues Papers and Public Forums for Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy, Essential Energy (the NSW businesss), Evoenergy (ACT), Power and Water (NT), and TasNetworks (TAS distribution and transmission businesses).

The Issues Papers, published on 28 March 2023, highlighted key areas of the businesses proposals, and identified issues that are likely to be the focus of the AER's assessment. The Issues Papers are a resource for stakeholders to assist in providing their views on the issues identified in the paper. 

Public Forums for NSW, ACT, NT and Tasmania were held between 3-6 April 2023, and provided the ability to hear from the businesses, AER and the relevant Consumer Challenge Panel. Stakeholders were encouraged to have a conversation around the questions raised in the Issues Papers from the business’s revenue proposals.

Why your views matter

We are extremely interested in hearing from stakeholders on whether the Issues Papers and Public Forums provided sufficient guidance to assist in developing submissions.

If not, we are interested to understand what stakeholders would find useful, and any suggestions that stakeholders might have to improve the consultation process?

We are continually looking at how we can innovate and improve and greatly encourage any feedback on this, or other parts of the reset process.

We will review all responses provided to assist in improving the future delivery of the AER’s reset determination process. We will consider all responses to the survey to be condfidential. 

This is a short survey (2-5 minutes) and we thank you very much for taking the time to assist our review process.


  • All consumers
  • All business
  • Industry
  • Consumer groups
  • Government
  • Small business
  • Competition agencies


  • Electricity