Draft immunity and cooperation policy and FAQs 2024

Closed 1 Jul 2024

Opened 27 May 2024


The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is reviewing the ACCC immunity and cooperation policy for cartel conduct (Immunity Policy).

Cartel conduct involves collusion between competitors to fix prices, restrict outputs, allocate customers, suppliers or territories and/or rig bids. The Immunity Policy is an important tool which enables the ACCC to detect, stop and deter cartel conduct. 

Following an initial round of consultation with key stakeholders, the ACCC has released draft amendments to the Immunity Policy and the supplementary ACCC immunity and cooperation policy: frequently asked questions (FAQs) for public comment. These draft changes aim to clarify and provide greater transparency in relation to the obligations of immunity applicants and the way in which the ACCC will apply the Immunity Policy. 

We are inviting interested parties to provide feedback on the draft Immunity Policy and FAQs by making a written submission in non-confidential form by 11:59pm AEST on 1 July 2024.

The general policy of the ACCC on the collection, use and disclosure of information is set out in the ACCC/AER Information Policy (June 2014).

You can view the drafts and upload a submission using the links provided below.

You can also submit your feedback to the review team directly at immunityreview@accc.gov.au.

Why your views matter

This is your opportunity to provide important feedback on the draft Immunity Policy and FAQs, which we expect to finalise and publish later this year.


  • All business
  • Internal
  • Competition agencies


  • Competition issues