Draft report of the new car retailing industry market study
In August 2017, the ACCC released the draft report of the new car retailing industry market study.
To facilitate an informed and open consultation, we will treat all submissions as public and publish them on our website.
Any parties wishing to submit commercial-in-confidence material should clearly mark it so, and submit both a public version and commercial-in-confidence version of their submission, with reasons explaining why it is confidential. More information about the ACCC’s treatment of confidential information can be found in the ACCC’s Information Policy, and the corresponding webpage of this consultation hub, entitled ‘Confidential submission’.
We prefer submissions to be provided via the link below, but alternatively, submissions can be emailed to newcars@accc.gov.au noting the confidentiality requirements above.
- Industry
- Consumer groups
- Consumer issues
- Competition issues
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