CDR participant guidance survey

Closed 25 Mar 2024

Opened 5 Feb 2024


The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) wants to better understand the guidance needs of Consumer Data Right (CDR) stakeholders. This survey is for businesses and individuals who are holders or receivers of CDR data, or who provide services to these parties. For example, this includes data holders, accredited persons, CDR representatives and third-party service providers.

In late 2022, the ACCC conducted a survey to understand stakeholders' views on CDR guidance at that point in time. The purpose of this survey is to understand how participants' views on CDR guidance have changed since then and to measure the effectiveness of new initiatives introduced since the previous survey such as the CDR Information Map.

Why your views matter

If you are a CDR stakeholder, we want to hear about how you find information about the CDR, as well as any issues you experience finding and using CDR guidance. This survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete and will help inform CDR agencies' understanding of the effectiveness of CDR guidance and how it may be improved to better serve stakeholders.

What happens next

The ACCC and CDR agencies will consider the feedback provided in this survey and incorporate this into our future development of CDR guidance for stakeholders.


  • Industry


  • Consumer data right