CAANZ consultation on guidance about the application of the ACL to charities, not-for-profit entities and fundraising

Closed 27 Oct 2017

Opened 6 Oct 2017


Consumer Affairs Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ) seeks your views on draft guidance on the application of the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) to the activities of charities, not-for-profit entities and fundraisers.

By participating in this survey you give permission for CAANZ to include your responses in its results which may be made public.

Please download and review the guidance before completing the survey.


Why your views matter

During the ACL Review, stakeholders submitted to CAANZ that they wanted more information about how the ACL applies to the activities of charities, not-for-profit entities and fundraisers. Submissions to the ACL Review indicated that the sector faces difficulties in determining whether conduct is ‘in trade or commerce’ and captured by the ACL.

CAANZ agreed there is a need for regulatory guidance on the extent to which the ACL covers the activities of the sector and agreed to develop guidance as a priority project for 2017.

This draft guidance sets out general principles, supported by examples, to assist the sector in understanding its obligations under the ACL.

Please download and review the guidance before completing the survey.

What happens next

Consultation on the guidance has closed. CAANZ is in the process of updating the guidance in light of the feedback received. CAANZ will publish the final guidance before the end of 2017.


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  • Consumer issues
  • Small business issues