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301 results

  • Wholesale ADSL service declaration inquiry 2016 - draft decision

    On 4 July 2016 the ACCC released a discussion paper commencing a public inquiry into whether the wholesale asymmetrical digital subscriber line (ADSL) service should continue to be declared. Submissions were due on 29 July 2016. On 14 October 2016 the ACCC released a report of its draft decision to the inquiry. The ACCC has formed the preliminary view to extend declaration of the wholesale ADSL service for five years. The ACCC is inviting submissions from interested parties on the draft... More
    Opened 14 October 2016
  • Review of the mandatory safety standard for pedal bicycles

    The ACCC invites you to have your say on the issues and policy options in the consultation paper on the review of the mandatory safety standard for bicycles. The issues in this paper have been briefly summarised below, please refer to the document for further details. The ACCC prefers submissions to be provided via the ACCC consultation hub. Alternatively, interested parties can email submissions to Submissions can also be made via post to: ... More
    Opened 12 October 2016
  • Review of the mandatory safety standard for disposable cigarette lighters

    The ACCC invites you to have your say on the issues and policy options in the consultation paper on the review of the mandatory safety standard for disposable cigarette lighters. The issues in this paper have been briefly summarised below, please refer to the document for further details. The ACCC prefers submissions to be provided via the ACCC consultation hub. Alternatively, interested parties can email submissions to Submissions can also be... More
    Opened 12 October 2016
  • Review of mandatory safety standard for swimming and flotation aids

    The ACCC invites you to have your say on the issues and policy options in the consultation paper for the review of the mandatory safety standard for swimming and flotation aids. The issues in this paper have been briefly summarised below, please refer to the document for further details. The ACCC prefers submissions to be provided via the ACCC consultation hub. Alternatively, interested parties can email submissions to: Submissions can also be... More
    Opened 12 October 2016
  • Review of the mandatory safety standard for basketball rings and backboards

    The ACCC invites you to have your say on the issues and policy options in the consultation paper on the review of the mandatory safety standard for basketball rings and backboards. The issues in this paper have been briefly summarised below, please refer to the document for further details. The ACCC prefers submissions to be provided via the ACCC consultation hub. Alternatively, interested parties can email submissions to Submissions can also be... More
    Opened 12 October 2016
  • Review of the mandatory safety standard for baby bath aids

    The ACCC invites you to have your say on the issues and policy options in the consultation paper on the review of the mandatory standard for baby bath aids. The issues in this paper have been briefly summarised below, please refer to the document for further details. The ACCC prefers submissions to be provided via the ACCC consultation hub. Alternatively, interested parties can email submissions to Submissions can also be made via post to: ... More
    Opened 12 October 2016
  • Proposed acquisition of Australian Regional Media by News Corp

    On 6 October 2016, the ACCC released a Statement of Issues (SoI) in relation on the proposed acquisition of Australian Regional Media (ARM) by News Corp (News). We invite submissions from industry participants in response to the SoI. The SoI seeks to give the ACCC’s preliminary views on competition issues arising from the proposed acquisition, identify areas of further inquiry and give all parties an opportunity to comment on the proposed acquisition. In particular, we invite submissions... More
    Opened 7 October 2016
  • Review of the safety standards for hydraulic trolley jacks, vehicle support stands and portable ramps for vehicles.

    The ACCC invites you to have your say on the issues and policy options in the consultation paper on the review of the mandatory standards for hydraulic trolley jacks, vehicle support stands and portable ramps for vehicles. The issues in this paper have been briefly summarised below, please refer to the document for further details. The ACCC prefers submissions to be provided via the ACCC consultation hub. Alternatively, interested parties can email submissions to ... More
    Opened 28 September 2016
  • Standard review - Elastic luggage straps

    The ACCC invites you to have your say on the proposed change detailed in the attached consultation paper on the review of the mandatory standard for elastic luggage straps. The change in this paper has been briefly summarised below, please refer to the document for further details. The ACCC prefers submissions to be provided via the ACCC consultation hub. Alternatively, interested parties can email submissions to Submissions can also be made via... More
    Opened 28 September 2016
  • Standard review - children's nightwear

    The ACCC invites you to have your say on the issues and policy options in the consultation paper on the review of the mandatory standard for children's nightwear. The issues in this paper have been briefly summarised below, please refer to the document for further details. The ACCC prefers submissions to be provided via the ACCC consultation hub. Alternatively, interested parties can email submissions to Submissions can also be made via post to: ... More
    Opened 28 September 2016
  • Review of the mandatory safety standard for exercise cycles

    The ACCC invites you to have your say on the issues and policy options in the consultation paper on the review of the mandatory safety standard for exercise cycles. The issues in this paper have been briefly summarised below, please refer to the document for further details. The ACCC prefers submissions to be provided via the ACCC consultation hub. Alternatively, interested parties can email submissions to Submissions can also be made via post... More
    Opened 28 September 2016
  • Review of the mandatory safety standard for bicycle helmets

    The ACCC invites you to have your say on the issues and policy options in the consultation paper for the review of the mandatory safety standard for bicycle helmets. The issues in this paper have been briefly summarised below, please refer to the document for further details. The ACCC prefers submissions to be provided via the ACCC consultation hub. Alternatively, interested parties can email submissions to: Submissions can also be made... More
    Opened 28 September 2016
  • Review of the mandatory safety standard for babies' dummies

    The ACCC invites you to have your say on the issues and policy options in the consultation paper on the review of the mandatory standard for babies' dummies. The issues in this paper have been briefly summarised above, please refer to the document for further details. The ACCC prefers submissions to be provided via the ACCC consultation hub. Alternatively, interested parties can email submissions to Submissions can also be made via post to: ... More
    Opened 28 September 2016
  • Standard review - Sunglasses consultation

    The ACCC invites you to have your say on the issues and policy options in the consultation paper on the review of the mandatory standard for sunglasses. The issues in this paper has been briefly summarised below, please refer to the document for further details. The ACCC prefers submissions to be provided via the ACCC consultation hub. Alternatively, interested parties can email submissions to Submissions can also be made via post to: ... More
    Opened 28 September 2016
  • Strategic Review 2016

    Thank you for taking part in the ACCC 2016 strategic review. By providing your input on what emerging issues you or your organisation have recently identified, you will help us learn what issues are affecting Australian consumers and small businesses. The survey will ask you to provide examples of the issue and, where possible, some evidence of the conduct. You can remain anonymous, or provide contact details so the ACCC can contact you about your answers. This survey is about industry... More
    Opened 19 September 2016
  • Combined superfast broadband access service & local bitstream access service final access determination inquiry

    The ACCC is undertaking a combined public inquiry to make a final access determination (FAD) for the superfast broadband access service (SBAS) and the local bitstream access service (LBAS). The SBAS and LBAS are wholesale services supplied on non-NBN networks able to be used by access seekers to supply downstream superfast broadband retail markets. Both services are Layer 2 bitstream fixed line services capable of a transmission rate of 25 Mbps or more. Under the Competition and... More
    Opened 15 September 2016
  • Draft framework for concerted practices guidelines

    On 5 September 2016 the Australian Government announced that it is consulting on an exposure draft of the Competition and Consumer Amendment (Competition Policy Review) Bill. The purpose of the Bill is to implement, in part, reforms identified by the Competition Policy Review. One area of reform included in the exposure Bill is to amend the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 to introduce prohibitions against concerted practices that substantially lessen competition. A concerted practice is... More
    Opened 5 September 2016
  • Communications Market Study: Competition in evolving communications markets

    The ACCC is undertaking a market study to better understand how the communications sector is changing and whether competition is working effectively and producing good outcomes for consumers and industry. We are also looking to identify whether there are any issues or potential issues that could hamper competition and impact consumers over the next five years and beyond. If required, the ACCC will also identify potential options to address any issues that emerge. Rapid technological... More
    Opened 5 September 2016
  • Draft framework for misuse of market power guidelines

    On 5 September 2016 the Australian Government announced that it is consulting on an exposure draft of the Competition and Consumer Amendment (Competition Policy Review) Bill. The purpose of the Bill is to implement, in part, reforms identified by the Competition Policy Review. One area of reform included in the Bill is to amend the misuse of market power prohibition, section 46, of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CCA). If the Bill is enacted, the ACCC will publish guidelines about its... More
    Opened 5 September 2016
  • Draft Media Merger Guidelines

    On 26 August 2016, the ACCC released draft Media Merger Guidelines. It invites public comment on these draft guidelines. The draft guidelines highlight particular issues likely to be relevant to the ACCC’s assessment of a media merger under section 50 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (the Act). They also include a number of case studies to illustrate the ACCC’s approach in past media mergers. The draft guidelines are an update to those originally released in August 2006.... More
    Opened 26 August 2016
  • Product Safety website feedback

    The new Product Safety Australia website—which has combined with the Recalls website—aims to provide you with a single entry point to national, state and territory product safety and recalls information. We'd like to hear what you think of our new site. More
    Opened 1 August 2016
  • Consultation on broadband speed claims

    The ACCC wants to see consumers provided with better information about broadband speeds, to improve competition and consumer outcomes in the retail broadband market. We have observed that broadband retail service providers (RSPs) have generally been slow to provide consumers with information that readily identifies the performance and speed characteristics of fixed broadband services and plans. We are concerned that a lack of accurate information increases the likelihood that consumers... More
    Opened 26 July 2016
  • Consultation on the ACCC Media Code of Conduct

    One of the recommendations of the Final Report of the Competition Policy Review (Harper Review) was that the ACCC should adopt a Media Code of Conduct. Recommendation 52 stated: The ACCC should establish, publish and report against a Code of Conduct for its dealings with the media with the aim of strengthening the perception of its impartiality in enforcing the law. The Code of Conduct should be developed with reference to the principles outlined in the 2003 Review of the Competition... More
    Opened 11 July 2016
  • Certified Free Range Pasture Finished Cattle CTM – Ceres Agricultural Company

    The ACCC is considering an application from the Ceres Agricultural Company Pty Ltd (Ceres) to register a Free Range Pasture Finished certification trade mark (the CTM). Background Ceres intends that the Free Range Pasture Finished CTM will provide a certification to verify how cattle that are intended for slaughter for food supply have been raised in relation to: the health, welfare and management of animals their access to pasture the impact of production... More
    Opened 4 July 2016
  • Wholesale ADSL service declaration inquiry 2016

    On 4 July 2016 the ACCC commenced a public inquiry into whether the wholesale asymmetrical digital subscriber line (ADSL) service should continue to be declared. Under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 the ACCC must review the current wholesale ADSL service declaration before it expires in February 2017. The ACCC has issued a discussion paper inviting submissions on whether declaration of wholesale ADSL services would promote the long-term interests of end-users, including whether... More
    Opened 4 July 2016
  • CLIP e-learning survey

    Welcome to the CLIP survey about e-learning and online courses in investigation skills. There are ten short questions for you to answer that will assist the CLIP team in their research on e-learning and online delivery of training that will best serve the competition agencies of the ASEAN region. The survey should take you no longer than ten minutes Please take the time to answer the questions honestly and to the best of your ability. More
    Opened 23 June 2016
  • Draft guidelines for Part XIC declaration provisions for telecommunications services

    On 1 June 2016, the ACCC released draft guidelines for Part XIC declaration provisions for telecommunications services. It invites public comment on these draft guidelines. The draft guidelines provide information about the processes for declaring a service, including an explanation of the differences between how a National Broadband Network (NBN) and non-NBN service can be declared. The key concepts to be applied by the ACCC in considering whether to declare a service are also outlined in... More
    Opened 1 June 2016
  • International standards consultation

    We’re seeking comment on a proposed list of international standards associations to include in a regulation related to product safety standards. Comments from stakeholders will inform ACCC advice to the Minister who will then decide on the list. Using trusted international standards for product safety regulation can be better for Australian consumers and for the Australian market. It can make it easier for global suppliers to comply with Australian safety requirements and reduce... More
    Opened 9 May 2016
  • ACCC cattle and beef market public consultation forums

    The ACCC is inviting people involved with cattle and beef markets to participate in a series of regional forums. The forums are a part of the ACCC’s recently announced market study into the cattle and beef industry. The purpose of these forums is to hear directly from farmers and other people in the cattle and beef industry about competition and fair trading issues that concern them. Any interested parties are welcome to attend the forums. Tuesday 7 June 2016, 1pm-3.30pm,... More
    Opened 3 May 2016
  • Horticulture and viticulture regional workshops

    The ACCC is holding a series of regional workshops to speak with people in the horticulture and viticulture industries about the competition and fair-trading issues that affect them. The ACCC will provide information about the protections and obligations contained in the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CCA). Any interested parties are welcome to attend the workshops. Monday 6 June 2016, 10am-1.30pm, Shepparton Golf Club, Golf Drive, Shepparton, VIC Friday 10 June... More
    Opened 28 April 2016
301 results. Page 7 of 10