New car retailing industry market study

Closed 14 Nov 2016

Opened 17 Oct 2016


The ACCC is conducting a market study of the new car retailing industry. The study will focus on competition and consumer issues that may be present or emerging in the industry.

This market study will examine whether industry practices are consistent with what we would expect from a competitive market. In particular, practices relating to:

  • consumer guarantees, warranties and new cars
  • fuel consumption, carbon dioxide (CO2), and noxious emissions, and car performance
  • post-sale service arrangements
  • access to repair and service information and data.

To inform the ACCC’s understanding of practices in the new car retailing industry, this market study will explore the broad structure and operation of the new car retailing industry, assessing whether market characteristics, including new car buyer behaviors and expectations, are conducive to competition.

How to participate

We would like to hear from all interested stakeholders, including individual consumers and small businesses.

In addition to the full issues paper, we have provided a brief guide to assist consumers and small businesses providing a submission.

We invite all interested parties to provide submissions or complete the online questionnaire. The online questionnaire is a streamlined process designed for consumers and small businesses to make a submission.

Confidentiality of submissions

To facilitate an informed and open consultation, the ACCC will treat all submissions as public and publish them on the ACCC website.

If you have concerns about the disclosure of certain information in your submission, you may make a confidentiality claim over all or part/s of the submission. More information on the treatment of confidential submissions can be found in the issues paper.

Submissions to the issues paper will close on Monday 14 November 2016.


  • Industry
  • Consumer groups


  • Consumer issues
  • Competition issues