Standard review - Elastic luggage straps

Closed 4 Nov 2016

Opened 28 Sep 2016


The ACCC invites you to have your say on the proposed change detailed in the attached consultation paper on the review of the mandatory standard for elastic luggage straps. The change in this paper has been briefly summarised below, please refer to the document for further details.

The ACCC prefers submissions to be provided via the ACCC consultation hub.

Alternatively, interested parties can email submissions to

Submissions can also be made via post to:

Standards & Policy
Consumer Product Safety Branch
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
GPO Box 3131

Submissions will be published on the ACCC website at the end of the consultation period.

Please note any information that you believe to be of a confidential nature should be clearly marked or identified as confidential. The ACCC will not disclose the confidential information to third parties, other than advisors or consultants engaged directly by the ACCC, without first providing you with notice of its intention to do so, such as where it is compelled to do so by law.

Why your views matter

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is reviewing the mandatory standards for elastic luggage straps and proposes to change the text of the mandatory warning label.

Apart from the change in text, we propose no other changes. The scope, definitions, requirements for the permanency of the label, the formatting of the text and the warning’s background remain the same.


The mandatory safety standard for elastic luggage straps was introduced in 1989 to alert consumers to the hazards associated with using the products. We review mandatory standards periodically to check they are effective, up to date and remain relevant. Since the last review in 2004, the ACCC has identified that changing the warning would improve consumer understanding and has the potential to further reduce injuries.

Your submissions

This consultation has three short questions which should take no more than 5 minutes to complete.

Information provided will help us refine the estimated costs to businesses to change the text of the warning and the time that suppliers will need to make the change and to sell all stock with the existing warning labels.


  • All consumers
  • All business
  • Consumer groups


  • Product Safety
  • Consumer issues