Communications Market Study: Competition in evolving communications markets

Closed 14 Oct 2016

Opened 5 Sep 2016


The ACCC is undertaking a market study to better understand how the communications sector is changing and whether competition is working effectively and producing good outcomes for consumers and industry. We are also looking to identify whether there are any issues or potential issues that could hamper competition and impact consumers over the next five years and beyond. If required, the ACCC will also identify potential options to address any issues that emerge. 

Rapid technological developments, structural change in the communications sector, product and service innovation, and changing consumer preferences are all contributing to an evolving communications landscape.

Industry participants have also raised concerns about the consequences of these changes for competition in the communications sector.

The ACCC is interested to better understand these concerns as well as broader developments in the communications sector to ensure that competition is robust and that economic regulation is responsive to these developments.

We are seeking views on the state of competition in the communications sector and any current or potential issues that could impact competition over the next five years and beyond.

How to participate

We would like to hear from all interested stakeholders, including individual consumers, businesses, industry and relevant representative bodies about their views on competition in evolving communications markets.

In addition to the full Issues Paper, we have provided short information summaries for consumers, businesses and smaller service providers below. We invite all interested parties to provide submissions or complete the online consultation questions.

Submissions to the Issues Paper will close on Friday 14 October 2016.


  • Industry
  • Consumer groups


  • Communications
  • Consumer issues
  • Competition issues