304 results
2018 Digital Radio consultation
On 19 November 2018, the ACCC released a public consultation and position paper for the Digital Radio access undertakings. The purpose of this consultation is to seek submissions from industry participants, other stakeholders and the public more generally on a range of questions relevant to the three new access undertakings received in relation to the commencement of Digital Radio services in Canberra, Darwin and Hobart. More information, including the access undertakings... MoreClosed 17 December 2018 -
2018 Broadband speed claims guidance consultation
The ACCC has published its Report on effectiveness of broadband speed claims guidance and consultation on further enhancement (attached below) which assesses the effectiveness of its Broadband Speed Claims - industry guidance and seeks input on updating it. The ACCC released the guidance in August 2017 to outline good practices for retail service providers (RSPs) to adopt in presenting the speeds of their broadband plans. At that time, the ACCC committed to reviewing the guidance and... MoreClosed 19 December 2018 -
Electricity market monitoring discussion paper
The ACCC released a discussion paper on 21 November 2018 seeking feedback on: the analytical framework for monitoring, including the expectations of market outcomes and participant behaviour the measures we use to monitor monitoring the impact of policy developments the process and timing for the collection of information. MoreClosed 19 December 2018 -
Fixed line and wholesale ADSL services - FAD inquiry 2018
On 12 December 2018, the ACCC commenced a public inquiry into making final access determinations (FAD) for Telstra’s six fixed line services and for wholesale ADSL. The purpose of this consultation is to seek early submissions from industry participants, other stakeholders and the public more generally on a range of range of issues concerning the next FADs, including the prices for the services and non-price terms and conditions of access. More information about the types of... MoreClosed 25 January 2019 -
Quarterly Compliance Report review
As part of the Australian Energy Regulator’s transformation program announced in July 2018, we are reviewing a number of the AER’s ways of working. This includes a review of the Quarterly Compliance Report: National Electricity and Gas Laws (QCR). This short survey seeks your views on the QCR and will inform how we report on wholesale electricity and gas market compliance issues into the future. Your response will be treated as confidential and any results, if published, will be... MoreClosed 25 January 2019 -
OxoPak Pty Ltd – Certification trade mark applications
For the reasons set out in the attached final assessment statement of reasons, the ACCC has issued a final assessment approving certification trade mark application No. 1852562 lodged by OxoPak Pty Ltd (illustrated below). Consultation As part of the ACCC's assessment of the CTM, we invited interested party submissions in May 2018, November 2018 and in April 2019. A copy of submissions received from interested parties are attached. ACCC role Under Part 16 of the... MoreClosed 31 January 2019 -
CAANZ consultation on 'unsafe' and 'reasonable durability' draft guidance
Consumer Affairs Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ) seeks your views on draft guidance on the concepts of ‘durability’ and ‘unsafe’ under the consumer guarantees provisions of the Australian Consumer Law (ACL). CAANZ is Australia’s principal national forum for government policy, enforcement cooperation and coordination in respect of consumer affairs. It is composed of senior officers of Commonwealth, state, territory and New Zealand government agencies responsible for consumer... MoreClosed 15 February 2019 -
Tobacco Free Portfolios Limited - Certification Trade Mark application
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has issued an initial assessment of a certification trade mark (CTM) application lodged by Tobacco Free Portfolios Limited (CTM 1845132). There are three variations of the mark, illustrated below. The ACCC’s initial assessment is that it proposes to approve the CTM application. A copy of the ACCC’s initial assessment statement of reasons is attached below. A CTM is a sign used, or intended to be used to distinguish... MoreClosed 22 February 2019 -
2019 Ruby Hutchison Memorial Lecture and National Consumer Congress registration
The ACCC will be hosting two key consumer events in Melbourne – the annual Ruby Hutchison Memorial Lecture (co-hosted with CHOICE) and the National Consumer Congress. Ruby Hutchison Memorial Lecture Wednesday 13 March 2019 RACV Club, 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne 6:00 pm–8:30 pm This event honours Ruby Hutchison, the founder of the Australian Consumers’ Association, the organisation we now know as CHOICE. The speaker for the Ruby Hutchison lecture is yet to be... MoreClosed 28 February 2019 -
Consumer issues impacting Indigenous people
The National Indigenous Consumer Strategy (NICS) reference group is seeking to better understand consumer protection issues affecting Indigenous people in Australia. The survey covers key priority areas of the 2017–2019 NICS action plan: Trading practices Scam practices Housing Consumer directed care Motor vehicles Financial services. About NICS NICS is a strategy developed by all Australian States and Territories which, together with New Zealand,... MoreClosed 28 February 2019 -
CDR data access model for energy consultation
The ACCC is seeking feedback from interested stakeholders on the proposed models for consumers to access their data in the energy market. Your views will help us form a position on the preferred data access model for the application of the consumer data right (CDR) in energy . The consultation paper sets out three options for the energy data access model, and our views on relevant principles and considerations for the assessment of these options. The CDR is a competition and... MoreClosed 12 March 2019 -
Review of the safety standard for corded internal window coverings
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) invites you to have your say on the issues and policy options in the consultation paper on the review of the safety standard for corded internal window coverings (CIWC) - located below the survey and titled ' Consultation - Corded Internal Window Coverings Feb 2019.pdf '. The issues in this paper have been briefly summarised below, please refer to the document for further details. The ACCC prefers submissions to be provided via... MoreClosed 13 March 2019 -
CDR implementation planning (banking)
The ACCC is seeking to better understand the number of stakeholders interested in being accredited under the Consumer Data Right (CDR) regime, including intended timing. This information will assist us in planning the implementation of CDR in the banking sector. If you are likely to seek to become an accredited data recipient, or are an authorised deposit-taking institution (ADI) who will be a data holder, we are interested to hear from you. We will conduct a pilot program prior to... MoreClosed 22 March 2019 -
CDR data access model for energy consultation
The ACCC is seeking feedback from interested stakeholders on the proposed models for consumers to access their data in the energy market. Your views will help us form a position on the preferred data access model for the application of the consumer data right (CDR) in energy . The consultation paper sets out three options for the energy data access model, and our views on relevant principles and considerations for the assessment of these options. The CDR is a competition and... MoreClosed 22 March 2019 -
Consumer Data Right draft rules consultation
The ACCC has published draft rules for the Consumer Data Right (CDR) in the banking sector. The ACCC is seeking feedback from consumers, businesses and community organisations on the approach and positions of the draft rules, including the privacy aspects. The CDR is a competition and consumer reform announced by the Australian Government in May 2018 which will allow consumers to require a company such as their bank to share their data with another accredited service provider such as a... MoreClosed 10 May 2019 -
Consultation on ACCC Guide to the Electricity Retail Code
The Competition and Consumer (Industry Code—Electricity Retail) Regulations 2019 (the Code) will come into force on 1 July 2019. The Code, as a mandatory industry code under Part IVB of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010, is binding on all retailers that supply electricity to small customers in the applicable distribution regions of New South Wales, South Australia and south-east Queensland. It sets a price cap on standing offers and specifies how prices and discounts must be advertised,... MoreClosed 31 May 2019 -
Quad bike safety standard exposure draft
The ACCC has conducted an investigation into quad bike safety, including considering the merits of implementing a safety standard for quad bikes under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL). The ACCC has made a recommendation to the Assistant Treasurer to make a mandatory safety standard. A copy of the report and the draft mandatory standard are available below. The Assistant Treasurer is seeking submissions on the exposure draft mandatory safety standard recommended by the ACCC. ... MoreClosed 10 June 2019 -
Review of the information standard - Care labelling for clothing and textile products
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) invites you to have your say on the issues and policy options in the consultation paper on the review of the information standard on care labelling for clothing and textile products. The issues in this paper have been briefly summarised below, please refer to the document for further details. The ACCC prefers submissions to be provided via the ACCC consultation hub. Alternatively, submissions can also be made via post to:... MoreClosed 14 June 2019 -
2019 ACCC/AER Regulatory Conference registration
Economic regulation in Australia: Still fit for purpose? The 2019 ACCC/AER Regulatory Conference will be held at the Sofitel Brisbane Central on Thursday 1 August (commencing at 8:30am) and Friday 2 August (finishing at 12:30pm, followed by lunch from 12:30-1:30). The cost to attend the conference is $1500 per delegate, or $1400 per delegate for 3 or more people from the same organisation. This online registration form provides for up to 3 delegates from the same... MoreClosed 18 July 2019 -
Draft guidelines on the repeal of subsection 51(3) of the CCA
The ACCC seeks your views on its draft guidelines about the repeal of subsection 51(3) of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) (CCA). Prior to its repeal, subsection 51(3) of the CCA provided a limited exemption for some intellectual property-related conduct from some anti-competitive conduct prohibitions in Part IV of the CCA. On 13 September 2019, this exemption will cease to apply. Following the repeal of subsection 51(3), conduct involving intellectual property rights... MoreClosed 19 July 2019 -
Humane Farm Animal Care (CTM 1914662)
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is considering an application from Humane Farm Animal Care to register a certification trade mark (CTM). The CTM intends to certify that animal derived products bearing the mark have complied with Humane Farm Animal Care’s livestock and poultry welfare standards. The mark bears the words ‘CERTIFIED HUMANE,’ and is illustrated below. The a pplicant The applicant is Humane Farm... MoreClosed 30 August 2019 -
Button Battery Safety Issues Paper
The ACCC has formed a taskforce to investigate the safety of button batteries and products that contain them. As part of this investigation, the ACCC is seeking information from stakeholders to understand the extent of any market failure in the supply of button battery consumer products and whether regulation under the Australian Consumer Law is necessary to address their hazards. As part of this process, the ACCC has released the Button Battery Safety Issues Paper (available... MoreClosed 30 September 2019 -
Review of the mandatory safety standards for portable fire extinguishers
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) invites you to have your say on the issues and policy options in the consultation paper on the review of the mandatory safety standards for portable fire extinguishers. The ACCC prefers submissions to be provided via the ACCC consultation hub. Alternatively, submissions can also be made via post to: Director Standards & Policy Consumer Product Safety Branch Australian Competition and Consumer Commission GPO... MoreClosed 18 October 2019 -
2019 Strategic Review - external stakeholder survey
The ACCC's Compliance and Enforcement Policy and Priorities sets out our priority areas for compliance and enforcement activities and lists the primary factors we will consider when deciding to pursue issues or matters. Feedback from businesses and consumers is invaluable when drafting this policy and past feedback has directly influenced our priority areas. We are seeking your views on our current priority areas and asking you to identify new issues that might be causing consumer... MoreClosed 25 October 2019 -
Draft guidelines on claims under section 95ZN of the CCA in price inquiries
The ACCC seeks your views on its draft guidelines regarding claims in price inquiries under section 95ZN of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth). The guidelines provide information about the approach taken by the ACCC in assessing whether to disclose information under section 95ZN of the CCA where that information has been: provided to the ACCC under section 95ZK of the CCA, or made available to the ACCC in submissions to a price inquiry, or given... MoreClosed 20 November 2019 -
Murray-Darling Basin Inquiry - Issues paper
The ACCC is conducting an inquiry into markets for tradeable water rights in the Murray-Darling Basin. We invite you to contribute to the Inquiry by responding to the ACCC's Issues Paper and/or by attending a public forum. Submissions We encourage you to make a submission in response to the ACCC's Issues Paper . Responses to the Issues Paper are due by 29 November 2019. The ACCC prefers submissions to be provided via the link below, but the Inquiry team can also be... MoreClosed 29 November 2019 -
Murray-Darling Basin inquiry - public forums registration form
The ACCC is hosting a series of public forums in November to hear the views of those engaged in, or affected by, markets for tradeable water rights in the Murray-Darling Basin. In particular, we invite irrigators, investors, water brokers, service providers facilitating the trading of water, environmental water holders, urban water authorities, irrigation infrastructure operators, indigenous users and community members, and market advisors and analysts to attend a forum to share their... MoreClosed 29 November 2019 -
Further consultation paper - Button batteries in toys for children up to and including 36 months
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) invites you to have your say on the issues and policy options in the consultation paper on toys for children up to and including 36 months of age which contain button batteries . The issues in this paper have been briefly summarised below, please refer to the document for further details. The ACCC prefers submissions to be provided via the ACCC consultation hub. Alternatively, submissions can also be made via post to:... MoreClosed 13 December 2019 -
Review of the information standard - Cosmetics ingredient labelling
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) invites you to have your say on the issues and policy options in the consultation paper on the review of the information standard on cosmetics ingredient labelling. The issues in this paper have been briefly summarised below, please refer to the document for further details. The ACCC prefers submissions to be provided via the ACCC consultation hub. Alternatively, submissions can also be made via post to: Director... MoreClosed 6 January 2020 -
Prohibiting Energy Market Misconduct Bill consultation
The ACCC has now concluded its initial consultation on Part XICA of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CCA). The public submissions we received are available above. Part XICA was introduced into the CCA following the passing of the Treasury Laws Amendment (Prohibiting Energy Market Misconduct) Act 2019 . It includes new prohibitions on particular conduct in energy markets. The ACCC released its final Guidelines on 11 May 2020. The Draft Guidelines were released, for... MoreClosed 6 January 2020
304 results.
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