54 results
Review of the mandatory safety standard for baby bath aids
The ACCC invites you to have your say on the issues and policy options in the consultation paper on the review of the mandatory standard for baby bath aids. The issues in this paper have been briefly summarised below, please refer to the document for further details. The ACCC prefers submissions to be provided via the ACCC consultation hub. Alternatively, interested parties can email submissions to productsafety.regulation@accc.gov.au Submissions can also be made via post to: ... MoreClosed 25 November 2016 -
Review of the safety standards for hydraulic trolley jacks, vehicle support stands and portable ramps for vehicles.
The ACCC invites you to have your say on the issues and policy options in the consultation paper on the review of the mandatory standards for hydraulic trolley jacks, vehicle support stands and portable ramps for vehicles. The issues in this paper have been briefly summarised below, please refer to the document for further details. The ACCC prefers submissions to be provided via the ACCC consultation hub. Alternatively, interested parties can email submissions to ... MoreClosed 18 November 2016 -
Review of the mandatory safety standard for exercise cycles
The ACCC invites you to have your say on the issues and policy options in the consultation paper on the review of the mandatory safety standard for exercise cycles. The issues in this paper have been briefly summarised below, please refer to the document for further details. The ACCC prefers submissions to be provided via the ACCC consultation hub. Alternatively, interested parties can email submissions to productsafety.regulation@accc.gov.au Submissions can also be made via post... MoreClosed 18 November 2016 -
Review of the mandatory safety standard for bicycle helmets
The ACCC invites you to have your say on the issues and policy options in the consultation paper for the review of the mandatory safety standard for bicycle helmets. The issues in this paper have been briefly summarised below, please refer to the document for further details. The ACCC prefers submissions to be provided via the ACCC consultation hub. Alternatively, interested parties can email submissions to: productsafety.regulation@accc.gov.au Submissions can also be made... MoreClosed 18 November 2016 -
Standard review - children's nightwear
The ACCC invites you to have your say on the issues and policy options in the consultation paper on the review of the mandatory standard for children's nightwear. The issues in this paper have been briefly summarised below, please refer to the document for further details. The ACCC prefers submissions to be provided via the ACCC consultation hub. Alternatively, interested parties can email submissions to productsafety.regulation@accc.gov.au Submissions can also be made via post to: ... MoreClosed 14 November 2016 -
Standard review - Sunglasses consultation
The ACCC invites you to have your say on the issues and policy options in the consultation paper on the review of the mandatory standard for sunglasses. The issues in this paper has been briefly summarised below, please refer to the document for further details. The ACCC prefers submissions to be provided via the ACCC consultation hub. Alternatively, interested parties can email submissions to productsafety.regulation@accc.gov.au Submissions can also be made via post to: ... MoreClosed 14 November 2016 -
Review of the mandatory safety standard for babies' dummies
The ACCC invites you to have your say on the issues and policy options in the consultation paper on the review of the mandatory standard for babies' dummies. The issues in this paper have been briefly summarised above, please refer to the document for further details. The ACCC prefers submissions to be provided via the ACCC consultation hub. Alternatively, interested parties can email submissions to productsafety.regulation@accc.gov.au Submissions can also be made via post to: ... MoreClosed 11 November 2016 -
Standard review - Elastic luggage straps
The ACCC invites you to have your say on the proposed change detailed in the attached consultation paper on the review of the mandatory standard for elastic luggage straps. The change in this paper has been briefly summarised below, please refer to the document for further details. The ACCC prefers submissions to be provided via the ACCC consultation hub. Alternatively, interested parties can email submissions to productsafety.regulation@accc.gov.au Submissions can also be made via... MoreClosed 4 November 2016 -
Product Safety website feedback
The new Product Safety Australia website—which has combined with the Recalls website—aims to provide you with a single entry point to national, state and territory product safety and recalls information. We'd like to hear what you think of our new site. MoreClosed 1 September 2016 -
International standards consultation
We’re seeking comment on a proposed list of international standards associations to include in a regulation related to product safety standards. Comments from stakeholders will inform ACCC advice to the Minister who will then decide on the list. Using trusted international standards for product safety regulation can be better for Australian consumers and for the Australian market. It can make it easier for global suppliers to comply with Australian safety requirements and reduce... MoreClosed 7 June 2016 -
Review of the mandatory standard for bunk beds
The ACCC is reviewing the mandatory safety standard for bunk beds. Stakeholders are invited to make written submissions on the consultation paper and draft regulation impact statement by close of business 11 April 2016. Consultation hub is the preferred way of receiving submissions, however stakeholders may also provide submissions via: Email: productsafety.regulation@accc.gov.au Post: Director Standards, Policy and Liaison Consumer Product Safety Branch Australian... MoreClosed 11 April 2016 -
Criteria for accepting international product safety standards and risk assessments
The ACCC is consulting on criteria for accepting international product safety standards and risk assessments. The consultation paper (below) identifies the three draft criteria the ACCC will use when developing and reviewing product safety standards and bans. The adoption of international standards and risk assessments supports the Government's overall objective to reduce the regulatory burden on business, community organisations, families and individuals. Please review the... MoreClosed 5 June 2015 -
Options to limit consumer exposure to hazardous azo dyes
Please note: The ACCC has received a number of requests to extend the end date of consultation. The date has been extended to Wednesday 22 April to account for these requests, however stakeholders are encouraged to make submissions as soon as possible. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has prepared a draft regulation impact statement (RIS) to consider the options to limit consumer exposure to hazardous azo dyes in clothing, textiles and leather articles.... MoreClosed 22 April 2015 -
Product Safety and Recalls websites survey
The productsafety.gov.au and recalls.gov.au websites provide Australian consumers and businesses with information about product safety matters. The Recalls website updates daily with information on recalled products across Australia. The Product Safety website contains information for businesses and consumers on product safety matters, regulations and news alerts. The ACCC has developed and administers the Product Safety website on behalf of all Australian consumer product safety... MoreClosed 21 April 2015 -
Products that use or contain button or coin cell batteries
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is seeking information from industry on products that use button and coin batteries, their compartment security and the warnings currently on products to inform the non-regulatory strategies proposed for reducing the hazard. Suppliers are invited to complete the survey comprised of 12 questions by close of business 14 November 2014. It is estimated the survey will require no more than 5-10 minutes to complete. Note: Products... MoreClosed 14 November 2014 -
Review of the mandatory standard for prams and strollers
The ACCC is reviewing the mandatory safety standard for prams and strollers. The consultation paper provides information about the issues that are being considered during this review and sets out a proposal for how this safety standard could be updated. Stakeholders are invited to make written submissions on the consultation paper by close of business 15 September 2014. In addition to completing the questions, stakeholders are invited to provide detailed evidence-based comments to... MoreClosed 15 September 2014 -
Review of the mandatory standard for bunk beds
The ACCC is reviewing the mandatory safety standard for bunk beds. Stakeholders are invited to make written submissions on the consultation paper by close of business 15 September 2014. In addition to completing the questions, stakeholders are invited to provide detailed evidence-based comments to support their submission. The online questionnaire is the preferred way of receiving submissions, however stakeholders may also provide submissions via: Email: ... MoreClosed 15 September 2014 -
Review of the mandatory standard for household cots
The ACCC is reviewing the mandatory safety standard for household cots . The consultation paper provides information about the issues that are being considered during this review and sets out a proposal for how this safety standard could be updated. Stakeholders are invited to make written submissions on the consultation paper by close of business 15 September 2014. In addition to completing the questions, stakeholders are invited to provide detailed evidence-based comments to... MoreClosed 15 September 2014 -
Review of the Consumer Product Safety Standard for child restraints in motor vehicles
This consultation is intended to confer with stakeholders on a proposal to alter the mechanism by which the Australian government ensures that child restraints supplied in Australia for use in motor vehicles do not pose a risk of injury to a child travelling in a motor vehicle as a passenger and are legally able to be used, ie. are fit for purpose. Relevant information and views from interested parties are being sought to assist in assessing the proposal to alter the way in which the... MoreClosed 18 July 2014 -
Additional costs associated with options to limit hazardous aromatic amines in certain clothing, textiles and leather articles
Dear Industry Stakeholder, Recently the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) conducted a survey, and commissioned testing of certain clothing, textiles and leather articles for the presence of 22 hazardous aromatic amines. The articles surveyed and tested were of a type likely to be worn in direct contact with the skin for a prolonged period of time. Testing showed a number of articles of clothing and a pillow slip with unacceptably high levels of aromatic amines. As a... MoreClosed 12 June 2014 -
ACCC Recalls Survey
The ACCC administers the product safety recall provisions of the Australian Consumer Law and monitors the effectiveness of suppliers’ recalls to ensure that unsafe goods are removed from consumers. We are seeking the views of suppliers who have recalled goods to identify potential improvements to ACCC Recalls publications and the online recall notification and reporting tools for suppliers. MoreClosed 1 March 2014 -
Survey: Quad bike safety video ideas
Who can participate in this survey? This survey is for Australians who: have used a quad bike for fun/recreation and are aged over 18 years, and/or have children/young teens (under 18 years old) who have used a quad bike. What’s in this survey? You will be asked about two different ideas for a short video on quad bike safety. Your answers will help us determine which idea is better. You will be shown pictures of some proposed video scenes for... MoreClosed 20 February 2014 -
Consultation for the review of the mandatory standard for hot water bottles
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is reviewing the mandatory safety standard for hot water bottles . The consultation paper provides information about the issues that are being considered during this review and sets out a proposal for how this safety standard could be updated. Stakeholders are invited to make written submissions on the consultation paper by close of business Monday 3 February 2014 by completing the online questionnaire. In addition to completing the... MoreClosed 3 February 2014 -
Review of the mandatory standard for child car restraints
The ACCC is reviewing the mandatory safety standard for child restraints for use in motor vehicles. The attached consultation paper sets out a detailed proposal and a draft regulation. Stakeholders are invited to make written submissions on the consultation paper by close of business Thursday 16 January 2014. Make a submission Make an online submission . Email: productsafety.regulation@accc.gov.au or send to: Director Regulated Products and Compliance Product... MoreClosed 16 January 2014
54 results.
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