300 results
Australian Made Australian Grown trade mark – proposed rule changes
Australian Made Campaign Limited (AMCL) has applied to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) to vary the rules of the Australian Made, Australian Grown certification trade mark. The ACCC is inviting comments on the application. Particular proposed changes relate to: the calculation of licence fees requiring licensees to execute warranties and indemnities instead of statutory declarations adding further examples of processes that are considered... MoreClosed 13 December 2013 -
Review of the mandatory standard for child car restraints
The ACCC is reviewing the mandatory safety standard for child restraints for use in motor vehicles. The attached consultation paper sets out a detailed proposal and a draft regulation. Stakeholders are invited to make written submissions on the consultation paper by close of business Thursday 16 January 2014. Make a submission Make an online submission . Email: productsafety.regulation@accc.gov.au or send to: Director Regulated Products and Compliance Product... MoreClosed 16 January 2014 -
Gap to Turrawan variation 2013
The ACCC has issued a position paper setting out its preliminary views on ARTC's application to extend the coverage of the HVAU to include Segments from Gap to Turrawan. The ACCC has also published a consultant's report by Marsden Jacob Associates reviewing the Depreciated Optimised Replacement Cost (DORC) valuation that was proposed by ARTC. Interested parties are invited to provide submissions in response to the position paper by close of business on Friday 17 January... MoreClosed 17 January 2014 -
GrainCorp variation to 2011 undertaking
On 12 November 2013, GrainCorp made an application under section 44ZZA(7) of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 to vary its 2011 access undertaking. On 12 December 2013, the ACCC released an issues paper inviting public submissions on GrainCorp's application to vary its Access Undertaking for its Carrington grain terminal in Newcastle. Submissions are due by 31 January 2014. MoreClosed 31 January 2014 -
Consultation for the review of the mandatory standard for hot water bottles
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is reviewing the mandatory safety standard for hot water bottles . The consultation paper provides information about the issues that are being considered during this review and sets out a proposal for how this safety standard could be updated. Stakeholders are invited to make written submissions on the consultation paper by close of business Monday 3 February 2014 by completing the online questionnaire. In addition to completing the... MoreClosed 3 February 2014 -
Australia Post’s proposal to increase prices
On 31 January 2014, Australia Post provided the ACCC with a plan to increase the basic postage rate (BPR) from 60 cents to 70 cents as well as price increases for other large ordinary letter services from 31 March 2014. For consumers with an Australian Government concession card, Australia Post plans to freeze the price of a basic stamp at 60 cents until 2017. The ACCC’s role is to assess Australia Post's proposed price increases, taking into account how efficient Australia Post is in... MoreClosed 10 February 2014 -
ACCC report to the Senate on private health insurance
The ACCC is consulting on its 16th annual report to the Senate on private health insurance. The ACCC is interested in understanding whether there are particular problems relating to information provision in this industry. This includes examining the role of insurers, health providers and intermediaries in assisting consumers to understand their policies and make informed decisions about accessing health services that best suits their needs. Specifically, the ACCC is interested in... MoreClosed 13 February 2014 -
Domestic transmission capacity service - draft decision
On 11 July 2013 the ACCC commenced an inquiry into the Domestic Transmission Capacity Service (DTCS) and whether to extend, vary or revoke the DTCS declaration or make a new declaration. The ACCC has formed the preliminary view to vary and extend the DTCS declaration for a further five years and released a report of its draft decision for comment. Submissions from interested parties are due by 5.00pm on Friday, 14 February 2014. MoreClosed 14 February 2014 -
Mobile Terminating Access Service declaration review - 2013
On 27 May 2013 the ACCC commenced an inquiry into whether to extend, vary or revoke the domestic mobile terminating access service (MTAS) declaration, or make a new declaration. The ACCC has formed the preliminary view to vary and extend the DTCS declaration for a further five years and released a draft decision and explanatory report. Submissions from interested parties are due by Friday 14 February 2014. MoreClosed 14 February 2014 -
Survey: Quad bike safety video ideas
Who can participate in this survey? This survey is for Australians who: have used a quad bike for fun/recreation and are aged over 18 years, and/or have children/young teens (under 18 years old) who have used a quad bike. What’s in this survey? You will be asked about two different ideas for a short video on quad bike safety. Your answers will help us determine which idea is better. You will be shown pictures of some proposed video scenes for... MoreClosed 20 February 2014 -
ACCC Recalls Survey
The ACCC administers the product safety recall provisions of the Australian Consumer Law and monitors the effectiveness of suppliers’ recalls to ensure that unsafe goods are removed from consumers. We are seeking the views of suppliers who have recalled goods to identify potential improvements to ACCC Recalls publications and the online recall notification and reporting tools for suppliers. MoreClosed 1 March 2014 -
Understanding consumer issues impacting Indigenous people
The ACCC is an independent federal government agency whose purpose is to protect consumers through the Australian Consumer Law. It has offices in all states and territories. MoreClosed 18 March 2014 -
State Water's regulated charges: 2014-17 review
The ACCC published its draft decision on State Water’s pricing application on 5 March 2014. This followed consideration of State Water’s application and submissions from stakeholders. Interested parties are invited to provide written submissions on the draft decision to the ACCC by close of business on Thursday 17 April 2014. MoreClosed 17 April 2014 -
Co-operative Bulk Handling proposed undertaking
On 14 March 2014, CBH lodged a proposed undertaking for its port terminal services with the ACCC for assessment under section 44ZZA of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010. On 4 April 2014, the ACCC released an issues paper that began public consultation in relation to CBH's proposed 2014 Port Terminal Services Access Undertaking. Submissions are due by 5:00pm on Wednesday 30 April 2014. MoreClosed 30 April 2014 -
Australian Energy Regulator - review of energy retailers' customer hardship policies
The Australian Energy Regulator is conducting a targeted review of energy retailers’ customer hardship policies. As an important first step, we are inviting financial counsellors and consumer advocates to share their experiences. Questions invite your views on the following areas: What are the main barriers to customers accessing their retailers’ hardship programs? What would a ‘best practice’ approach to assessment of capacity to pay look like? Is... MoreClosed 30 April 2014 -
GrainCorp application to vary
On 10 April 2014, the ACCC issued a draft decision proposing to approve the GrainCorp Application to Vary, having had regard to the matters in Part IIIA of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010. The ACCC seeks comments from interested parties in response to this draft decision by 5:00pm (EST), 2 May 2014, after which the ACCC will issue a final decision. The ACCC welcomes comments on all aspects of GrainCorp’s Application to Vary. MoreClosed 2 May 2014 -
Draft immunity and cooperation policy and FAQs
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) commenced a review of its Immunity Policy for Cartel Conduct July 2009 in March 2013 and released a public discussion paper in September 2013. Taking into consideration the feedback received during consultation, the ACCC has released its draft Immunity and Cooperation Policy for Cartel Conduct April 2014 (draft ICP) and draft Frequently Asked Questions (draft FAQs) for public comment. The ACCC’s draft ICP includes a number of... MoreClosed 7 May 2014 -
ARTC revised variation - Gap to Turrawan
ARTC submitted a revised application to vary its accepted access undertaking to the ACCC. The proposed variation relates to an extension of the coverage of the HVAU to incorporate certain rail infrastructure between Gap and Turrawan. The ACCC issued a consultation letter inviting submissions from interested parties on the revised application. Submissions are due by 8 May 2014. MoreClosed 8 May 2014 -
Fixed line services - FAD variation inquiry 2014
On 17 April 2014, the ACCC commenced a public inquiry into varying the final access determinations (FADs) for the unconditioned loal loop service (ULLS), line sharing service (LSS), wholesale line rental (WLR) service and local carriage service (LCS). The ACCC has released a discussion paper to assist industry and other interested parties in making submissions to the inquiry. The discussion paper provides the background to the proposed variation, the assessment framework for making a... MoreClosed 19 May 2014 -
Access to Telstra exchange facilities
The access to Telstra exchange facilities record keeping rules (TEF RKR) was issued in July 2008 with an expiry date of 14 July 2011. Following a consultation process, the ACCC extended the operation of the TEF RKR with some minor variations for another three years until 14 July 2014. The ACCC also issued another disclosure direction on the same terms as the previous disclosure direction in relation to publishing certain information received in accordance with the TEF RKR. On 9 May 2014... MoreClosed 6 June 2014 -
Additional costs associated with options to limit hazardous aromatic amines in certain clothing, textiles and leather articles
Dear Industry Stakeholder, Recently the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) conducted a survey, and commissioned testing of certain clothing, textiles and leather articles for the presence of 22 hazardous aromatic amines. The articles surveyed and tested were of a type likely to be worn in direct contact with the skin for a prolonged period of time. Testing showed a number of articles of clothing and a pillow slip with unacceptably high levels of aromatic amines. As a... MoreClosed 12 June 2014 -
Hunter Valley access undertaking: annual compliance assessment
In May 2014, ARTC submitted its annual compliance documentation for the twelve month period from 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2013. The ACCC has issued a consultation paper calling for submissions from interested parties on ARTC’s documentation. Submissions are due by 11 July 2014. MoreClosed 11 July 2014 -
FAD inquiries - Non-price terms & conditions & supplementary prices
The ACCC has commenced consultation on non-price terms and conditions and supplementary pricing issues for a number of related declared services: fixed line services and wholesale ADSL service mobile terminating access service (MTAS) domestic transmission capacity service (DTCS) On 23 May 2014, the ACCC released a position paper, seeking views on these issues. MoreClosed 15 July 2014 -
Review of the Consumer Product Safety Standard for child restraints in motor vehicles
This consultation is intended to confer with stakeholders on a proposal to alter the mechanism by which the Australian government ensures that child restraints supplied in Australia for use in motor vehicles do not pose a risk of injury to a child travelling in a motor vehicle as a passenger and are legally able to be used, ie. are fit for purpose. Relevant information and views from interested parties are being sought to assist in assessing the proposal to alter the way in which the... MoreClosed 18 July 2014 -
Draft NBN Services in Operation RKR
On 4 August 2014 the ACCC released a draft NBN Services in Operation RKR and explanatory statement. The draft RKR requests information from NBN Co on the demand for NBN services in terms of services in operation as well as information on network capacity and utilisation. The ACCC invites comments from interested parties on whether the draft RKR: raises any concerns which the ACCC should take into account when deciding whether to make the RKR should include any additional... MoreClosed 15 August 2014 -
Emerald undertaking draft decision
On 7 August 2014 the ACCC issued a draft decision proposing to consent to Emerald's application to extend and vary. The ACCC seeks the views of interested parties on the draft decision by Friday 22 August 2014. MoreClosed 22 August 2014 -
National Roads and Motorists’ Association Ltd CTM
On 20 April 2015, the ACCC issued a Final Assessment approving an application to register a Certification Trade Mark (CTM) number 1568411 from the National Roads and Motorists’ Association Ltd (NRMA). A summary of the matter and the ACCC's decision can be found below. Application NRMA’s CTM application proposes to provide an independent rating system for services across Home Support, Care Homes and Retirement Villages. NRMA, assisted by Gallup Organisation Pty Ltd and COTA... MoreClosed 22 August 2014 -
Mobile terminating access service - pricing approaches
On 1 August 2014, the ACCC commenced consultation on the pricing approaches to determine the primary price terms and conditions for the mobile terminating access service (MTAS) final access determination (FAD). The ACCC has released a discussion paper on the pricing approaches for the MTAS. The ACCC invites submissions in response to issues raised in this discussion paper by 5:00pm on 29 August 2014. MoreClosed 29 August 2014 -
Review of the mandatory standard for prams and strollers
The ACCC is reviewing the mandatory safety standard for prams and strollers. The consultation paper provides information about the issues that are being considered during this review and sets out a proposal for how this safety standard could be updated. Stakeholders are invited to make written submissions on the consultation paper by close of business 15 September 2014. In addition to completing the questions, stakeholders are invited to provide detailed evidence-based comments to... MoreClosed 15 September 2014 -
Review of the mandatory standard for bunk beds
The ACCC is reviewing the mandatory safety standard for bunk beds. Stakeholders are invited to make written submissions on the consultation paper by close of business 15 September 2014. In addition to completing the questions, stakeholders are invited to provide detailed evidence-based comments to support their submission. The online questionnaire is the preferred way of receiving submissions, however stakeholders may also provide submissions via: Email: ... MoreClosed 15 September 2014
300 results.
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